Monday, January 2, 2012

Check This Out For Diabetes Symptoms

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Type 1 and Type 2 symptoms are all the same though development may vary.
In type 1 diabetes signs and symptoms can be seen obviously and can develop so quickly. Condition called KETOACIDOSIS, is a usual an indicator of anyone who has type 1 diabetes, this is happens when compounds of acid, called ketones found in the blood. If taken for granted by anyone who has this condition can result to severe complications and even leads to fatal.

This type (type 1) of diabetes is also known for being an insulin-dependent; this is to support the body whenever it can't produce anymore insulin. Most likely this is referred to as early diabetes because it is usually develops at younger age (before the age of 40) often time teenagers are the most victims.

This type 1 diabetes is least common compared to type 2, registered on the survey for only 5 to 15% of all people having diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, symptoms develop gradually that someone who has this type might not fill they are ill some time. There are people who have type 2 never developing any symptoms especially if their glucose level is not too high.
This develops when some insulin is being produce but not sufficient enough to function properly, or the cells in the body do not absorb the insulin - or better known as insulin resistance. Of all people having diabetes, type 2 take the biggest shares 85 - 95%.

Often diabetes is associated with diabetes. It is very common on matured people starts usually at the age of 40. Sometimes it is referred to as adult-onset diabetes, though South Asian and African-Caribbean descent tend to develop at the age of 25. However, nowadays, young as 7 years of age has already this disease.

Regardless of any types of diabetes, these are the three major symptoms:

@Keep on Urinating (Polyuria)
@Thirstiness (Polydipsia)
@Gluttony (abnormal appetite) (Polyphagia)

These are the common symptoms of two types of diabetes:

@Sudden Decrease from usual weight
@Eye Blurredness (blurred)
@Tingling or feet and hand numbness
@Easily Tired or Lack of Energy
@Very Dry Skin
@Long heal of Sores and Wounds
@Skin Sores and Infection
@Itchiness of Genitals and other parts of the body

Anyone who have any of different symptoms mentioned above and think they might have diabetes must see their Doctors for diagnosis. Determining anyone who might have diabetes, doctor will perform routinely urine test to check if glucose is present in the blood required blood glucose level.

Gestational Diabetes (GDM)
Gestational Diabetes shares 2 to 5% of diabetes related of all pregnancies. This develops when the body of pregnant women has less capacity to produce sufficient insulin to meet the needs. In some cases, it develops before pregnancy.

However, this type of diabetes develops usually in women who have family history (of diabetes) over the age of 25 a part of minority race and obese women.

No external symptoms but can only are detected during screening. Excessive thirst, frequent urination and increased appetite are still the basic symptoms.